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What to Take First Sign of a Cold?

If you are trying to find a cure for the common cold, we do not have it, however there are some things that you can do to help you move it on out of your body faster and experience less symptoms. The reason there is no cure for the common cold virus is that it is not actually caused by one, singular, virus. Instead, the common cold is believed to be caused by more than 200 different viruses including rhinovirus, coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza, and parainfluenza.

There is no cure all medication that you can take at the first sign of a cold if you are wondering what to take at first sign of cold, however over the counter histamines may relieve runny nose and stuffy-ness symptoms. Headache medicines can treat your headache that you may have from coughing.

Symptoms of Common Cold Virus

The common symptoms of the cold virus are sore throat, congestion, wet cough, sneezing, low-grade fever, fatigue and having the general feeling of being unwell. Typically, colds last about a week to 10 days, and they more often than not, occur during the wintertime. The CDC says that most adults will have an average of 2-3 colds per year, and children will have even more. If you find yourself suffering from symptoms of the common cold, try the cheap online doctor visit that our website offers. You can choose to start your care now and speak to a doctor online about your cold symptoms. You pay just $30 for the online doctor appointment.

To discuss how to treat the common cold, and what to take at the first sign of a cold, we must first delve into what viruses are and what they are not. Viruses are not living organisms. They use a living, host cell, to multiply within your body and takeover other cells.

What are Viruses?

Viruses are very small parts that comprise a molecule that is comprised of genetic material that is housed inside of a protein coating. If you were to look inside of a virus you’d notice nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates. They invade your body, taking up space in your living, happily normal cells and use the cell host to multiply, making other viruses like themselves. They are very tricky!

Because viruses are molecules coated in proteins, they usually resemble their host cell’s membranes, making them very hard to pinpoint with medicine. Drugs that would disrupt a viruses mechanisms could potentially cause you harm as it could attack living, healthy cells in your body. Whereas, antibiotic drugs kill bacteria that cause infection, drugs that can disrupt a virus, also known as antiviral drugs,  are not as prevalent.

Antivirals reduces the capability of a virus to multiply. There are antivirals for the flu, and there are many treatments that can be offered for the common cold symptoms, that will reduce them.

Boost your Immune System

The best protection against the common cold virus is to do everything in your power to prevent getting the common cold. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes regular rest, exercise, and a healthy diet are the fundamentals of building up your immune system. Certain foods can give it a boost, as well. Another very important thing to remember is proper hand-washing techniques. If you properly wash your hands after touching surfaces or entering spaces where sick people have touched or been, is key. If you work with the public in any sort of capacity you should also practice good hand-washing technique throughout the work day.

Your immune system can protect you against certain viruses. In fact, there are many viruses that you may carry that you do not get sick from, as your immune system protects you. Because viruses are hard to fight, and there is no antiviral for the common cold virus, your best bet when you start to feel the first symptoms of a cold is to begin getting more rest, taking in more water to stay hydrated, and essentially boost your immune system by taking extra special care of your body.


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