Online Doctor Prescription California

SmartDocMD offers online doctor consultation appointments for symptoms and illnesses such as:  Sinus Infection, Cold/Cough, Urinary Tract Infection, Pink-Eye/Allergies, and Yeast Infection.

The days of having to take a day, or a half day off of work, and drive to a doctor, and wait in the waiting area for primary care illness needs are long gone. With SmartDocMD you can affordably speak to a doctor online and get a personalized health screening based on your symptoms. If you spend $30, and your treatment requires antibiotics, you can receive online doctor prescription California prescriptions at your online doctor visit.

No more waiting rooms. No more time spent sitting in the doctor’s office. This is health care on your terms. Begin your care by clicking to begin your online doctor visit.

How it Works

1. Online Interview – Our SmartDocAI takes you through an efficient history and physical
2. Free health screening – Succinctly review your health information and what medical guidelines say
3. Choose our SmartDocMDs – Available on-demand, providing quality health care on your schedule
4. Personalized Care Plan – Receive recommendations with confidence, including prevention, lifestyle changes, and medications (online doctor prescription California).

Are your doctors credentialed?

SmartDocMD partners with board certified physicians who are licensed to practice in your state. These doctors go through a rigorous application process. They must have passed all portions of the United States Medical Licensing Exams (USMLEs) along with having a valid prescribing DEA license. Additionally, they are among the best doctors in their field and recommended by their peers. The online patient interview (OPI) utilizes diagnosis and treatment plans based on official medical society care guidelines. Our doctors follow these evidence-based guidelines because it results in better, safer, more effective care for you. If needed, our doctors can also provide a note for excuse from work/school.

HIPAA Compliant?

The privacy of your sensitive patient data is a top concern. We are fully compliant with HIPAA, you may use the logo at the bottom of this website to verify.