Scientists and other researchers are learning more and more each day about the human body and its systems. New research leads us to further believe that our stomach works together with our neurological system.
It has never been a secret that our brains impact our stomach. Just thinking about how much our brains impact our stomachs has created a hunger as I sat down to write this article. What we have not realized until recent years is that the brain plays a role in our digestion. We also know that what we put into our bodies greatly impacts our overall health. Certainly, patients can have a food sensitivity or food allergy to dairy, gluten, eggs, nuts, honey, certain sugars, and just about any type of food.
If our bodies respond to these types of foods with unwelcome symptoms such as skin rash, dry skin, itching, swelling, inflammation and more then you can rest assure that you have some sensitivity to the food you are exposing yourself to. SmartDocMD can treat allergies online and allow you to speak to a doctor online about your allergy symptoms and concerns. We offer you the best ways to treat your allergy and offer prescription allergy medication to alleviate the symptoms that over the counter medicines just will not touch.
One of the top medical articles this year discussed how one specific type of food additive called emulsifiers, has been shown to correlate with physiological and behavioral changes in the mice that were exposed to them. This frequent flier compound is found in most all processed foods. They improve food texture and extend the shelf lives of products.

Could your body be reacting to emulsifier food additives?
Our stomachs are filled with populations of bacteria that process food and help to ensure that our bodies working parts are delivered with nutrients. Your diet directly impacts what type of gut flora and fauna comprise the microbial community within your stomach. This community can be disrupted by changes in your diet, exposure to antibiotics, stress, and a myriad of other factors.
Polysorbate 80, lecithin, and carrageenan. They sound yummy, don’t they? These are the most common food additive ingredients that can interfere with your healthy stomach microbes. One of these may have even been named as an organic ingredient on the Federal Register maintained by the USDA. A substance can be an allergen, even if it’s labeled as organic, and new research may reveal that these emulsifiers are causing people to experience symptoms such as inflammatory bowel, skin issues, obesity, and even metabolic syndromes that we are just learning about. It is believed that these symptoms are directly related to digestion and the changes in digestion that stem from changes in your gut microbes.
The researchers sought to find the environmental factors that may be responsible for the rise in and new cases of metabolic syndrome. They found that food additives may be one of several culprits. Put simply, they found that mice that that were exposed to one of the emulsifiers named above in a way that was designed to mirror typical human consumption of process foods, developed inflamed intestines, and a metabolic disorder, thus making them obese.
These types of food additives are essentially allergens to our gut’s microbial community. If you have experienced recent stomach symptoms such as weight gain, IBS, colitis, or have noticed an increase in skin related issues, you should think about what foods you are putting into your body. Almost all foods found in the freezer or on a usual grocery shelve will contain some emulsifiers. If you are trying to cut down on exposure to these types of food additives, you nearly have to eat an all natural diet of fruits, vegetables, and cooked meats with little or no sauces or added flavorings. If you begin to cook with all natural ingredients, rather than bottled, canned, and boxed items you will cut way back on your exposure to emulsifiers.
Have questions? Get your gut health / allergy related questions answered by our virtual doctors. Many times an allergy can mimic a non medical emergency like the common cold, or a sinus infection. You can begin by clicking here to set up your online patient interview. From there, you will choose to speak to a doctor online by paying the low cost price. We will reach out to you quickly to set up the virtual or telemedicine experience.